High in vitamin C, red bell peppers are not only tasty but may also reduce the risk of certain chronic or aging-related health conditions.
5 breathing exercises for anxiety and how to do them

Anxiety is the body’s normal response to stress. It is a part of the “fight-or-flight” response that happens when someone faces a real or perceived physical or emotional threat.
Top 10 Reasons To Go Organic

Choosing fresh foods can help you feel better and preserve the environment
‘How often should I clean my dog?’ ‘Do pets need face masks?’: What to know about your pet and Covid-19

While there’s currently no evidence that pets play a role in spreading Covid-19 to people, it’s normal for pet owners to still be worried. Veterinarians and health experts answer common questions about how to keep yourself, your family and your pets safe during the pandemic.
The 6 Essential Oil Mistakes You’re Probably Making

As essential oils have become increasingly mainstream, you may have experimented by adding a signature scent to your space to transform your home or bedroom into a relaxing haven. Or maybe you’ve taken to wearing a diffusing pendant as a necklace to deliver all-day, on-the-go good vibes. Used in these ways, essential oils can be relaxing, invigorating, and simply lovely. Here’s what you need to know—if you don’t already—before the next time you turn on your diffuser.
Fresh Ginger Tea

Ever had real, fresh ginger tea? It’s soothing and invigorating at the same time. Ginger tea has been consumed for centuries, and yet it has only recently crossed my radar.
Many Hummus And Chickpea Brands Were Found To Contain A Chemical Used In Weed Killer

More than 80 percent of non-organic hummus and chickpea products in independent laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group contained detectable levels of glyphosate, a chemical used in weed killer.
Do You Have Heat Stroke or Heat Exhaustion? Learn the Signs

As warmer weather occurs, we tend to spend more time outside under the hot sun. It’s important to know the difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Knowing the signs and symptoms of these two conditions could save your life or that of a loved one.

Vitamin C is necessary for the body to build collagen in bones and cartilage; helps iron absorption and protein metabolism; and lessens bruising by ensuring capillary walls and blood vessels are firm. Here are 6 surprising ways to ensure you get your vitamin C.
Top 9 Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that’s also good for you. It contains only 46 calories per cup but is high in vitamin C, vitamin A and many healthy plant compounds. Here are the top 9 health benefits of eating watermelon.