A Naturopathic Doctor for Your Natural Health Needs

Serving Holistically Minded Oklahomans from Across the State

If you would like to naturally enhance your health and take care of your mind, body and spirit; you have come to the right place.

Transforming your vitality and your life for the better, helping you look and feel your best and enjoying yourself along the way is our specialty. We use natural medicines, acupuncture, holistic and herbal medicines and functional medicine testing to help you. Our approach is to help you reach your health goals in a drug-free, pain-free free and natural route.

Our bodies can heal themselves, let us show you how.


The Naturopathic Way

Here at Deneen Natural Health, we are focused on providing you with the natural health principles and practices you crave. Our naturopathic medicine foundations are as follows: 
                    • The Healing Power of Nature
                    • Identify and Treat the Causes
                    • First Do No Harm
                    • Doctor as Teacher
                    • Treat the Whole Person
                    • Prevention

We seek to provide you with the most comprehensive and comfortable doctor experience. Ask us about our principles in your next appointment!





Naturopathic Medicine Membership

You’re busy, but your health shouldn’t be on the back burner.

With our naturopathic medicine membership, you’re able to take back control of your health on your own terms.

This 6-month program allows you to show up for appointments virtually and customize your holistic health plan to your needs.



Woman standing next to lake at sunsetHolistic Medicine for You

Just as you should see your primary care physician yearly, nothing has to be wrong for you to visit a naturopathic doctor. We

welcome people from ALL walks of life.

Some of the most common people we serve include those battling:

  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Fatigue
  • Infertility
  • Pain
  • PCOS

Regardless of what you’re struggling with (or not!) we want to help you live a pain-free, confident life.